Medical Devices & Blockchain

medical devices

Medical Devices are now linked to the Blockchain. This is a gigantic step forward! What does this mean for you personally? First, it means that you can WEAR THIS SMARTWATCH and track your personal medical data. Second, because it is on the Blockchain, your personal health and medical data is totally secure. All the data is used collectively for medical research, but your personal data is always anonymous. Third, you receive cryptocurrency (you get rewarded!) for using this medical device!  GO HERE TO SET UP YOUR ACCOUNT and start now.

Medical Devices and Your Privacy

In our world today, it is crucial to protect your privacy and identity. Therefore, be very careful when you use a medical device such as a smartwatch that measures and collects your personal data. Think about the most commonly used medical devices, for example: Samsung Watch, FitBit, or Apple Watch. At first this seems like a great idea. After all, it’s cool to be able to track your steps every day! However, stop and think about it! Every bit of information that these devices collects is available for anyone to purchase. Truly, it is wide open, and they could potentially use it against you. For example, your insurance company could access your personal medical data and use it to evaluate your risk and increase your premium. Furthermore, your employer might use your medical history to determine whether or not to give you the promotion you’ve been hoping for.

This Medical Device Protects Your Privacy

Technology is amazing! However, it makes sense to use it wisely. This smartwatch collects an amazing amount of medical data. For example, heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure. In addition it tracks your steps and sports activities. But it also protects your privacy. All of your personal data is kept anonymous. You can share it with your doctor at your discretion, but nobody else has access to your personal medical data. GET YOUR WEARABLE MEDICAL DEVICE HERE.

If you’re interested in tracking your medical data, then you’re most likely very health conscious. You will find more health and fitness ideas here.